Mother’s Day

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Shelley, Teghan and Junë take a selfie at our sister store, Wild About Music

Working at Austin Rocks is a family affair. Shelley Meyer along with her daughter Tegi and newest team member baby Junë are masters of fashion, amongst many other things, to keep three very busy businesses running like clockwork.

To celebrate their amazing talent of being exceptional mothers we checked in to see what they have been up to.


ART: Hey ladies! A very happy, belated, Mother’s Day to you both, what did you do over the weekend?

SM: We took a boat out on Lake Travis, it was so wonderful to see the lake full again.

TH: It was Doiron and Junë’s first time on a boat, it was so special to take my family on the lake that I grew up on.


ART: As busy as you are, you are always on point with your styling choices, what are your top tips on day to day styling for the busy Mom?

SM: Find the silhouette that‘s most flattering and comfortable for you, then stock up, so it’s easy to get dressed in the morning.

TH: For me, it’s black, when in doubt wear black.


ART: We see baby Junë already experiencing some stunning fashion moments at just a month old. Can you both recall one of your earliest fashion moments?

TH: Oh my god, I had the raddest turquoise cowboy boots and a hot pink quilted jacket. I thought they were EVERYTHING, my favorite was to put them over my black leotard and leggings from dance class, ohhh the 90’s. I would totally rock those things now!

SM: Growing up in Minnesota, I had a set of white rabbit fur earmuffs with a matching muff that made me feel like royalty.


ART: Fashion Icons we all have one, who is yours?

SM: Ever since my first trip to Paris, I’ve been in love with Sonia Rykiel, I love her bold but classic looks.

TH: I have to say Rachel Zoe and I’m not ashamed to admit, the Olsen Twins. I would exchange closets with any of those ladies in a heartbeat.


ART: You both have personally hand picked the fashion in Austin Rocks, what do you typically seek out for when buying for the store?

TH: First and foremost I look for what I love personally. The girls in the store keep me informed of what they’re into and what our customers are asking for, and from there I seek the styles that I would love to wear myself.

SM: I make sure she doesn’t buy everything in black. But seriously, Teg has done a great job outfitting the store, we do great buying with each other because we can speak openly about what we’re missing from our collection or what we’re possibly buying too much of.

TH: It’s true, I’ve definitely been in a black phase for a while now. It’s just so EASY to wear! But it’s important to us to have a unique and diversified selection, our goal is that everyone will fall in love with something in our store.


ART: Austin we love this city! What’s your favorite thing to do with family in Austin?

SM: We have a family tradition of going to the Zilker summer musical together. We pack a picnic and go early to get a good spot, we have to take turns running down to Barton Springs to cool off.

TH: Oh that’s a good one! For me, it’s anything on the water. We are so lucky to live in Austin surrounded by some really amazing places like Barton Springs, Hamilton Pool, the Blue Hole in Wimberley, Krause springs, the list goes on and on. There is nothing better than spending a hot summer day in the water.


ART: What ROCKS about Austin Rocks?

TH: Not to sound cheesy, but our prices! We really pride ourselves on finding amazing fashion that looks and feels expensive, but fits in everyone’s budget.


ART: Finally, in three words sum up what fashion means to you?

SM: Signature Personal Style

TH: Confidence. Self-Expression. Fun.


Thank you ladies,

– Much love, the Austin Rocks team